2022 第七屆SDGs學術論文獎徵稿至 9/30止
發佈日期:2022-07-21 類別:校內活動 發佈單位:系辦
【宗旨 Purpose】
財團法人台灣永續能源研究基金會(Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy, TAISE)及財團法人中鼎教育基金會(CTCI Education Foundation, CTCI EF)為推動及鼓勵國內大學院校與企業致力永續發展等相關學術、知能應用之研究發展,第七屆「SDGs學術論文獎」延續過去6年學術論文獎辨理之經驗,年度定期辦理的主題性學術論文獎,希望藉此強化國內外永續發展領域的知識交流、溝通與互動。鼓勵產官學研與NGO各界致力於永續相關的學術研究和計畫、知能應用與善盡社會責任,盼能加速永續知能的傳遞、樹立永續典範,鼓勵優良之研究隨之強化永續轉型之效。
Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy (TAISE) and CTCI Education Foundation (CTCI EF) are committed to promoting and encouraging academic, knowledge application, and research development, relevant to sustainable development among domestic universities and enterprises. The 7th "SDGs Academic Paper Award" forward the experience of the “Academic Paper Award” in the past 6 years. Strengthen knowledge exchange, communication, and interaction in the field of sustainable development globally. In the hope of encouraging industry, government, universities, and NGOs to devote themselves to academic research and programs related to SDGs; application of knowledge; and capability to fulfill social responsibilities. Speed up the transmission of SDGs related knowledge, setting stander to encourage research on sustainability.
【主辦單位 Organizer】
Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy (TAISE) and CTCI Education Foundation (CTCI EF)
【執行單位 Executive unit】
Taiwan Academy of Corporate Sustainability(TACS)
【申請資格與組別 Application qualifications and groups】
The application qualification is not limited to graduation thesis, journals, seminar papers or reports.
【申請日期 Date of Application】
投稿截止日為民國 111 年 09 月 30 日。
Deadline for submissions : September 30, 2022.
【論文獎甄選篇數及獎金 Number of papers selected for the paper award and scholarship】
「碩士論文獎」(含在職專班)6 篇,每篇獎學金新台幣貳萬元整。
6 awarded papers for the "Master Thesis Award", including in‑service education program. Provide each awarded paper NT,000 scholarship.
「博士論文獎」5 篇,每篇獎學金新台幣貳萬元整。
5 awarded papers for the "Doctoral Thesis Awards". Provide each awarded paper NT,000 scholarship.
「企業實務論文獎」5 篇,每篇獎學金新台幣貳萬元整。
5 awarded papers for the "Corporate Practice Paper Awards". Provide each awarded paper NT,000 scholarship.
* 每位得獎學生及其指導教授將各獲頒獎狀一紙、獎牌一座;企業實務組獲獎者獲頒獎狀一紙。(獎金將根據各類所得扣繳率標準進行扣稅)
* Each winning student and his advisor will be awarded a certificate and a medal; the winners of the corporate practice group will be awarded a certificate. (Scholarship will be tax deducted based on different income withholding rates.)
【重要時程 Important timeline】
徵文截稿期限:民國 111 年 9 月 30 日 (五)
Deadline for paper submission: September 30, 2022 (Friday)
公布得獎名單:民國 111 年 10 月 28 日 (五)
Announcement of the list of winners: October 28, 2022 (Friday)
頒獎典禮:民國 111 年 11 月 17 日 (四) (TBC)
Award Ceremony: November 17, 2022 (Thursday) (TBC)